How to Obtain Pistol Bay Privileges
How do I obtain pistol bay privileges?
You must be a current member of Rio Salado Sportsman’s Club to use the pistol bays
The process for obtaining access to the pistol bays is pretty simple: You must shoot matches.
First, you will want to obtain the Range Privilage Authorization form found here. You can either download the form and print it yourself, or you can pick it up from the stat shack during any of our matches.
You will see on the form that there are sections to fill out for 12 individual matches. You must shoot 12 matches and, after each match, have the Match Director sign and date the form confirming that you have completed that match.
When you have all 12 signatures, you must get a final signature from the Division Director authorizing your pistol bay privileges. Practical Pistol, TNS and Multi-Gun all recognize each other’s matches for this purpose so you can get the final signature from any of those 3 Division Directors.
Once you have the completed form with the required signature from the Division Director, you will take the form to the main range window and turn it in. They will charge you $5.00 to reissue a new card with the required PB stamp on it, which will arrive in the mail soon after. You may request a temporary badge with PB on it until your new badge arrives- typically within 7-10 days.
By this point you will have pistol bay access and should be familiar with all of the rules regarding how to sign in, allowed usage, etc. If you are unsure about any of this, please talk to the Division Director at the time that you get their final signature.